Components & Functions
In my attempt to try to understand the function of each of the components on this board, here is a general explination of what these components are used for.
Microcontroller - ATTINY44A - SSU
Loaded with a program.Recieves input - executes the program - pushes output'Embedded' in the chip to control it's functionsDedicated to a single program
Crystal - 644-1039-1-ND - 20.0MHz
Mechanically resonates at a very fine frequencyCommonly used for 1. Pacing(synchronisation) 2. Timekeeping 3. Radio communication frequency matchingStabilizes the input/output to a specified frequency
USB Connector - H2961CT-ND
Power Supply (vbus)GroundSignal InputSignal Output
Ribbon Connector
Zener Diode - BZT52C3V3-FDICT-ND
Allows curent flow in one forward direction to a certain limit (breakdown voltage)Maintains a constant voltage with varying current by changing it's internal resistance
quick modification to bypass part of the circuitused for set-up or start-up
Capacitor - e.g. 311-1150-1-ND
Short term energy storagesignal coupling - block the dc from the ac currentExhibit frequency dependent behaviour - can filter out unwanted frequencies
Resistor - e.g. 311-10.0KFRCT-ND
Controls/restrics the flow of current